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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

The Fourteenth Chakra: Quantum-Holographic Gateway to the Divine
Location: between the knees & is where the Universal Holographic Web (Matrix) connects to the physical. The Web is like the internet, rather than being the World Wide Web it is Universe and Beyond Wide Web, connecting us to everyone & everything in the Universe.
Expression: When the matrix internet is working in balance all is in balance, we are able to connect and create, but when the internet is not functioning properly we often have inappropriate connections to others and tend to give our gifts & talents away in order to hide ourselves. When the Web requires repair one can direct healing energy through it which in turn heals the physical body. We are energy that has been slowed down making us appear solid, there for we are actually made of the same energy that forms the Matrix Internet. When the Internet requires maintenance so does our physical body as well as when our physical body requires maintenance so does our internet. Call the repair person, “You”.
Color: Blue green with white striations or ribbons
Note: B


The Quantum-Holographic Gateway or fourteenth chakra, has to do with our Divine Plan. It allows the mental mind to surrender allowing for direct internet connection to the Divine. This is where you allow the Divine Plan, Source Energy, to show you the way without question or attempting to fit it into your belief system. The fourteenth chakra corresponds to the third eye in the third-dimensional chakra system. It is bringing clairvoyance into the fourth dimension. It is beginning to activate your un-limited abilities. By being able to connect to our Internet properly we bring to ourselves the Divine gift of clairvoyance, being able to channel information and create abundance within our third dimensional existence. If you are having difficulties in being able to channel your guides and other ascended beings or are unable to manifest the life you desire it is a sign that your Quantum-Holographic Gateway is not in balance.

By working with the Quantum-Holographic Gateway we learn that we are more than a physical body that has energy, we are in fact Conscious Energy projecting physical body images. The entire Universe is composed of a single Conscious Energy that is connected through our Internet. This Energy is the essences of everything that is, everything that lives, and everything that exists. Life is but an animated projection of this Energy, which vibrates at infinite frequencies giving the illusion of solid form. We are mere holographic images of our light being whose frequency has been slowed down. A large part of this Conscious Energy is a spiritual energetic field that permeates and surrounds our physical bodies. This spiritual energetic field is composed of all the information and intelligence of the Universe.

Furthermore, each of us is composed entirely of this Divine Essence. The Essence manifests in each Soul in the form of a physical body, thought, and Spirit. You are not just reflecting this Essence from an outside influence, you are Divine Essence. This Divine Energy is you; this is how and why we can create our realities. You are Source Energy (God) and Source Energy (God) is you. What a wonderful concept! Therefore, where our minds go energy (from source) flows and manifests into reality.  Yes, weather your reality is wonderful or less than desired; you my friend have created it.  We create our experiences and the circumstances that affect us. We do this, not by actions or words, but by simple thought that is set into motion by how we feel about the Thought and then through the process of holographic projection is placed within our reality. A good example of this that I like to use is the story of my daughter and her car.

My daughter needed a new car, hers was running on a wing and a prayer and the parts it needed cost more than the value of the car. She put out there that she did  not care what the car looked like, it could be put together with duct tape, be rusty with cracked windows all that mattered was the key turned and the car got her back and forth from work. Her boyfriend at the time found a wonderful $200 bargain and brought it home to her. Upon seeing this junk heap she called me to complain, “how could he expect her to drive such an eye sore”.  She began describing her new set of wheels, the wind shield was cracked, paint was peeling, rust holes throughout the body, upholstery held together with duct tape, I am sure you see where this is going. When she was finished with the cars attributes I asked her what exactly had it been she wished for, there was silence on the other end of the phone followed by, “Oh My God, I got exactly what I asked for”.

Time went on and eventually this $200 bargain required replacement and this time she thought she would send a better intention. My daughter wanted a jeep SUV, one that looked like the old boxy shaped ones. Again, the same boyfriend; found a wonderful bargain and gave her a gift of a 15 year old boxy jeep that the heater was no longer functioning and air conditioning consisted of rolling down the window, did I mention she lives in Minnesota?  Once again she received what her energy created. Need I say she was not any happier with this junk heap then the first one; but she did drive it for 2 years.

As fate would have it, she once again found herself in the position of requiring a new or should I say newer, car. New boyfriend, new intention, this time she thought it was impossible to get it wrong, she had two practice runs. This time she put out there that she wanted a new SUV with all the bells and whistles and it so happened that the new boyfriend had two cars, one sports car that he drove most of the time and a 1 year old Lexus SUV fully loaded that was just sitting at his mothers, not being used. He threw her the keys, did not give it to her by any means, but was willing to let her use it. She was so happy, she finally got it right, or so she thought. This one gets really good. It so happened that he had not made a payment on this car in so long that repo man was looking for it, hence it sitting at his mother’s and not his place. His thought was he might as well hide it at my daughters apartment complex, one place was as good as the other to him, and let her use it. Now is when my daughter realized not only did she require once again a new car, but a new boyfriend.

Realizing she could not rid herself of the boyfriend without losing her only means of transportation she began to panic. Once again a call to mom, What Am I Going To Do? Okay, you have had plenty of practice with this one, be specific, what is it you truly want? She thought for a moment then calmly put the intention out there that what she truly wanted was a new car that she could afford on her own, that had good warranties. So happens that the Volkswagon dealership was having a sale, new models were rolling out, old ones needed to go and there was one Rabbit sitting on the lot, it had only been test drove but do to the fact it had nearly 200 miles on it they sold it to her with all warranties intact as a used car, bring down the price where she could afford it on her own. Isn’t great when we create what we actually want.

What I am getting at with this little diversion is that emotionally charged thoughts create our words, actions and reality. My daughter created each of those cars and the circumstances around them, holographicly projecting them into her reality. We can also internalize this by taking our thoughts inwards, sending messages to our DNA. For example, “I am just sick and tired”, what you create is for yourself to be, you guessed it, sick and tired. The same goes for living in fear of never having enough, you will never think you do when in fact if you let go of the fear you would find quite the opposite, the universe will always supply you with enough, set the correct intent to receive it.

Since the body is a manifestation of human energy, dis-harmony in the energetic field will cause dis-ease in the body. If the human energy field is out of balance, the body will be out of balance. Quantum healing alters or adjusts the energetic field information to enable a change in an idea or concept, altering your reality. Quantum healing balances energetic frequencies and restoring harmonic and healing perception. In essence, not only do we holographicly project our thoughts into reality within our material world, but also within ourselves affecting our physical and spiritual bodies.

In Quantum Physics we know that energy and matter are interchangeable for they are in fact the same things presenting themselves at different frequencies. The differences in physical matter are simple changes in the vibrational patterns of energy.  In the realms of healing the word Quantum means energy beyond the sub-cellular and sub-atomic, it is energy from the quantum level, it is source energy, God.

When you are having difficulties either channeling, connecting to your guides and higher beings or with using Source Energy to create the reality you truly want look at how you are connecting to the Universe and Beyond, Wide Web. Is there a disruption in the signal?

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions