MONADIC BODY - The Monadic Body of Light is a very powerful body. Its function within your light body system is one of a directional force. By this I mean its force and power are always directed to the higher realms of the Godhead. This Monadic Body takes the energy and thought forms of the other layers of light body beneath it and sends this energy in the direction of God. The color of the Monadic Body is of a luminescent silver and blue, with tints of violet.
The Monadic Body is very intelligent in its actions and takes its direct command from God. This body of light helps facilitate the energy and thoughts you are transmitting out into the Universe. The Monadic body is instrumental in aligning itself with the higher energy and light of God and is set up as a receiving station for this energy and love. It also acts as a Big Brother or Big Sister to your Higher Self. What is meant by this? You all know Big Brothers and Big Sisters historically try to protect and teach their younger siblings and this is what the Monadic Body does. It tries to protect and teach its younger or lower bodies of light beneath its level. As light bodies are achieved to the higher levels, their potential and responsibility are greatly increased with each stage and level.
The Monadic Body has a somewhat different structure in as much as God gives a different recipe to each individual’s Monadic Body depending on the stage and level the initiate has achieved and to what degree within that initiation. The best way to explain this is to picture a pot of boiling water. There are varying degrees of boiling. You can have a subtle small rolling boil or you can have a fierce strong boiling over the pot boil! This is a good analogy to show you the varying degrees to which a lightworker will achieve a level of light body. You have achieved that level, but each initiate will have achieved that level to a different degree.
LOGOIC BODY - The Logoic Body is associated with your Higher Self and Monad. At this stage and level your soul has fully merged with your Higher Self and Monad. You have reached your seventh level of initiation in the Ascension process. Your Higher Self is directly connected to your Monad or Mighty I AM Presence, and has become your new teacher.
The Logoic Body has an appearance in your aura as one of violet and luminescent seafoam green of the lightest hues. This body of light helps with the direct energy and teachings of God to all layers of light body within your system. There are all kinds of lessons directed to each different layer of light body. You all know this to be true. Some have emotional lessons, some mental lessons, and so on. You can see the direct correlation of lessons to different and separate layers of light body. God in His infinite wisdom gives us lessons to help and strengthen all layers of our light body system. This helps with our growth and development and keeps our light bodies and structure growing in a balanced and integrated way.
I am sure not many people have ever thought of it in this way before, but God never leaves a step out! At the stage of the Logoic Body, you are attuned to a higher level of vibration and energy. Your consciousness in all areas of your light body system should be more balanced and positive. There are still lessons to learn, however, usually at this stage you have come to realize the importance of keeping an approach of even-mindedness through the lessons using your Higher Self and Monad as your guide without hesitation.