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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

The Ajna Chakra or Third Eye, Brow

The Ajna Chakra is the sixth chakra of the Kundalini Seven Chakra System. Ajna Chakra literally means "To Command". This chakra is also called "Third Eye" at it's activation gives one the power of intuitive knowledge. In addition, it is called the "Guru Chakra" as its activation connects one to the "Inner Guru". Similarly, it is also called "Eye of Shiva" or "The Divine Eye" for its awakening implies the higher stages of meditation and wisdom.

The Sixth Chakra
Chakra Name: Brow Chakra
is often called the third eye
Location: located between and slightly above the eye brows.
Relates to: It relates to the pineal gland and spiritual sight
Expression: ability to articulate vision and inspiration.
Lesson: defining the truth in self-serving ways.
Color: purple
Note: A
Crystals: Amethyst, Sugilite, Kyanite, Azurite.
Sanskrit Name:
Element: Akasha through light and telepathic energy

Glands/Organs: Pineal, pituitary, brain, ears.

Hormones: Melatonin, follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), lutenizing hormone, prolactin, thyroid stimulating hormone, adrenal hormone, human growth hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, oxytocin, antidiuretic hormone.

The Brow Chakra is located in the center of the forehead and directly related to sight and hearing. This is the area where our everyday awareness is located. From this energy center sits the consciousness of self and personality of the mind. The Brow Chakra allows us to sense and interpret the world around us. Balancing the Brow chakra can help physical eye problems and remove confusion. It helps us distinguish insignificant things from important ones. Without the Brow Chakra one would be paralyzed by indecision and confusion.

Indigo is the color associated with the Brow Chakra. This is the color of stillness, ddp silence and solitude. The Brow Chakra has a degree of detachment from emotional concerns, within this quite realm all things become possible. When the Brow chakra is in a state of imbalance we have the tendencies to make assumptions and jump to conclusions, becoming confused by the emotional noise created by "I want" and "I see". Resting in this state of observation, the Brow Chakra quietly interprets the change and very nature of our reality. The Brow Chakra quietly commands the play called life, with ability to alter every aspect of the body and physical world by constructing meaningful images of light upon the stage of our mind.

It is through the Brow Chakra that one may experience clairvoyance. This information is processed much as that of a dream, Imagery and memory travels beyond time and space in order to visualize new information. One may precess this information through:

  • Visual imagery as if viewing pictures
  • Kinaesthetic, which feels images and moods through sensations
  • Auditory, hearing words, phrases, dialog, or other sounds

We all have clairvoyance abilities but due to various degrees of imbalances within the Brow Chakra, few actually experience it.

The Brow Chakra is associated with the third eye, an etheric organ of psychic perception floating between our two physical eyes. The third eye brings us added understanding, much as reading between the lines of a piece of paper gives us added insight into words. The seed sound of this chakra os OM, with special emphasis on the "mm" sound, which vibrates the bones in the face stimulating this center. There are only 2 petals at the ajna chakra, which resemble wings and symbolize the ability of this chakra to transcend time and space, allowing the inner spirit to "fly" to distant times and places. Chakra six is the center of "seeing", related to the element light. Through the sensory interpretation of light we obtain information about the world around us. How much we are able to see depends upon how open our developed this chakra is.

At the sixth Chakra we encounter a higher,faster, vibration than that of sound, though of a fundamentally different character. Here we embrace the phenomenon of light, a small part of the larger electromagnetic spectrum. If we consider that a large percentage of our information comes to us in a visual form, and that visually information is perceived in the form of patterns of color, the subtle changes in frequency exhibited by light must have an enormous effect upon our minds and bodies.

The most significant aspect of consciousness at the level fo the sixth chakra is its profound degree of psychism, that is the perception of information in the non-material realm and the ability to make conscious use of those perceptions. The term "clairvoyance" means clear seeing, seeing that is not muddled by the opaque world of material objects normally defining our limited sense of space and time. To be clairvoyant we need to look in the spaces that are clear, to look at the fields of energy, not of objects; to look at relationships, not things, to see the world as a whole and to reach with our minds directly and clearly for the information we want. The more clarity we have within ourselves, the better we are able to see the subtle properties of the world around us. Secondly, to be clairvoyant we need to see , and as obvious as this may sound, true seeing is a process that goes far beyond the one we use to keep furniture from bumping our shins. To see implies a far deeper perception than to look. The third eye is a kind of psychic lens through which our higher senses perceive and interpret information, which is then run-through the ajna chakra itself, where it is compare and arranged with pre-existing data. Here it is the third eye that looks and the ajna that sees. If you close your eyes and remember your first car, you can see the color, upholstery and maybe even what was hanging from the mirror. Like the hologram, you in your minds eye can walk around the car, seeing the front or back as you choose. The actual car need not currently exist. The image exists apart from it and by focusing our attention, the image is retrieve. In your minds eye, you can see what you choose to look at. This is the process of visualization. Clairvoyance is a willed process of visualization. It is a matter of systematically being able to call up relevant information on demand, regardless of whether it had been previously programmed. We transcend at this level. We need not limit accessible information to what has been entered in the past, we can also retrieve information from the future. The only difference is that we are willing the creation of the reference beam that will bring forth the image, rather than waiting form some point in future where circumstances will call it forth. Once we know where to look for data, we need to know how to look. Accessing memory is a process of finding the right code, the right reference beam to bring the holographic image back to life. The developement of clairvoyance depends on the development of the visual screen and the creation of an ordering system with which to access information from the screen.

When the Brow Chakra or Third Eye Chakra is open, we experience enhanced creativity, inspiration, imagination, strong intuition, and clairty of thoughts. It is also expressed as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. This chakra allows us to go into ddp states of mediation, where we are able to connect with our intuitive  guidance and cosmic wisdom. The ability to look inward and follow our intuition helps us to make the right choices, increasing the value of life. We are motivated  by Truth and Love, liberated from delusion of fear. Be tapping into this power of pure consciousness, we learn how to use our gifts for healing, teaching, and manifesting.

Blockages of the Brow Chakra may lead to headaches, vision problems, nightmares, dyslexia, and hallucinations. WE may experience a lack of concentration, fear, depression, cynicism, and negative thinking. A feeling of detachment from the world may result, creating a sense of isolation. The Brow or Third Eye Chakra can only be properly activated when the lower five chakras are balanced and aligned. If the Brow Chakra is not linked with the other chakras, we may become obsessed with the search for altered states of consciousness and psychic powers to satisfy our ego. This extinguishes our inner light, moving us further away from Enlightenment.

An Active Brow Chakra awakens our drive to achieve complete harmony of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. The purpose of activating the Brow Chakra is not to develope psychic abilities per se, but to achieve a one-pointed concentration. This occurs through meditation and visualization. Ultimately, you can see beyond the physical, realizing that you are more than the physical body you inhabit. Activating this energy center raises your consciousness, allowing you to recognize yourself as a Spirit with a divine purpose. When the Throat, Brow and Crown Chakras are aligned, we experience self-actualization and drive to serve humanity.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions