Genesis Gateway Integration
Quote From Dr. Oz
“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010
The Eight Chakra
Name: Soul Star also know as the Transpersonal Chakra
Location: Approximately 18 inches above the head
Relates to: The Soul Star, is the center that holds all our contracts and agreements related to this lifetime, karmic connection and so on. A person's Soul Star overlaps, with that of the people they have had long-term relationships or sexual encounters with, and they don not completely disconnect on their own, even though the couple may part physically. It is very important, therefore, to be able to clear all those old relationship contracts, in order to make way for new potential relationships to come to you more easily, or to clear a pathway for the relationship of your current, supporting it to grow more fully.
Expression: The eight chakra is also the center of detachment, stay in the present moment, unconditional trust, acceptance of intuitive guidance and the ability to discern illusion. It is the center of higher intellect. It marks the realm where the individual soul merges with the Universal Mind. It also marks the point where the soul manifests into matter, into the individual energy body.
Note: C
The eight Chakra is the first of the spiritual chakra system. it sits about two feet above the 7th Crown Chakra of the 3rd Dimension Chakra System. The eighth chakra is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. It is also where your karmic residue is held, those energy patterns that you have held on to for more than one lifetime.
The eighth chakra is the gateway to other ideas, concepts and abilities, when it begins to open and expand it brings about a new spiritual awareness and sense of being part of something larger then self. This chakra center inspires spiritual perception, spiritual wisdom and out of body projection that are beyond the mundane filled with concern for healing of the planet and self in regards to the Universe and All-that-is. This, chakra is the last energy center that hold anything human within it and is the temple of human cleansing. It helps clear out patterns that have not worked over many life times. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that are keeping you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas. It helps you become aware of yourself as part of the universe and opens new Spiritual abilities. This may make you feel ungrounded from the planet for a time.
The Heart Chakra regulates the flow of energy from the Soul Star Chakra to the body. In practice, it regulates Soul-braiding and enables the physical body to attune to the increased energy fo the Soul Consciousness and the Higher Density Light existence that results from the Soul-braiding.
Contained within it is the Higher Self, a more pure expression fo the Soul’s energy, which communicates directly from the Soul a deep knowledge of right action in every situation. The Higher Self is often the first part of the Soul’s expression that begins communication through dreams or through expanded elements of intuition.
The Soul Star Chakras name is self-explanatory for it is through this Chakra the Soul braids into the physical body at the time of incarnation, and it is through this Chakra the Soul leaves the physical body at death. It is also through this Chakra additional Soul-braiding occur which results in the increased vibration and frequency of the cells and atoms of the body.
For the Eighth Chakra to anchor and activate sufficiently, it would be good to work on past life regression and finding true self. Once old patterns are cleared one will experience accelerated spiritual abilities.
A good healing mantra to use with this center would be the phrase MA-AH-ZOD. This phrase can help to clear karmic residues out of this center. Focusing or chanting this phrase to yourself while doing a healing, will assist you in pulling the energy down that you need to process the chakra. Another mantra for this chakra is DEE-EE-OH. This mantra helps the chakra to open and become more aware of these new spiritual energies that are passing through it.
When you heal these spiritual centers, your lower chakras, 1-7, become grounding points and are not specifically used to shape or invoke the needed energy. Except perhaps, the Heart chakra and the Crown Chakra. The Heart Chakra can awaken slightly, in this kind of healing, if need be, to transmute any spiritual negativity, karmic waste, that may leak down in the process. The Crown Chakra remains slightly active to serve as a portal through which your body-bound consciousness can reach up to these spiritual centers or gateways.
The eighth chakra does have a color associated to it and it is what you consider to be ultraviolet light, imagine a very deep violet light being interpenetrated with spiraling bands of green.
The eighth chakra can have anywhere from 6,000 to 10,000 spokes. The actual number will depend on how open that chakra is. The more open the chakra, the faster the chakra spins and the greater number of vortices or spokes that will be visible.
The odd numbered twin of the 8th chakra is the 7th. It is in the 7th chakra that the programs to be used by the 8th reside. The 7th center traditionally is the chakra that connects you to your higher self and to divinity. When a person finally does open up the 8th center; a true sense of divinity sets in.
When the 8th chakra opens you may see a glimmer of abilities such as Clairvoyance, healing gifts, telepathy, but they will not become fully activated until the 9th,10th,11th and 12th chakras are awakened.
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