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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010


The Dimensions:

1st – Iron core crystal of Earth
2nd – Elements
3rd – Linear Space & Time, Humanity
4th – Collective Mind, Annunaki
5th – Living in the Heart, Pleiades
6th – Morphic Fields, Sirius
7th – Informational Highways of Light
8th – Cosmic Order/ Galactic Federation
9th – Milky Way, Tzolkin

1st dimension - The iron core crystal at the center of the earth. Accessed through the consciousness of Gaia.

2nd dimension - The telluric world, the elementals. Their realm is between the iron core crystal and the crust of the earth. This is the realm of microbes, bacteria, and minerals. They maintain the 3rd dimension.

3rd dimension- time and space- the consciousness of linear time mastery through "being here now" polarized pos and neg . The keepers of this dimension is humanity (and we are not doing so hot at our job).

4th dimension - the nonphysical kingdom of archetypes, guides, and nonphysical beings. Accessed through guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized into pos and neg. The keepers are the Annunaki.

5th dimension - the consciousness of Love and Creativity. This is the realm of light that centers in the human heart and is resonate with Earth's biological creatures and plants. The keepers are the Pleiadians and that is why they are a great help to us humans in finding our heart centers.

6th dimension - the consciousness of morphic fields/Sacred Geometry. It is the home of the KA, the human spirit body. The keepers are the Sirians.

7th dimension -The Galactic Highways of Light. This is the realm of cosmic sound that generates the 6D geometric forms by vibrational resonance. The keepers are the Andromedans.

8th dimension -The Divine Mind. This is the realm of Light that manifests through the visible light spectrum in 3D. This realm causes us to feel the love of "God" as a constant energy source in our lives. Orion is the keeper.

9th dimension -The Black whole in the center of the Milky Way. This the Galactic Center, the Great nothingness. To organize cycles on Earth, the great being in the Galactic center-Tzolk'in-created the Mayan calendar to orchestrate Earth's evolution.


Looking Closer at 3rd Dimension

Everything vibrates, which determines the quality of matter, light, and consciousness. We humans are wired in our brains and nervous systems to vibrate with the whole frequency range of the vertical axis. Earth’s core vibrates at 40 Hz or 40 pulses per second which sends electromagnetic waves into 2nd and 3rd Dimensions and beyond. Earth’s crust vibrates at 7.5 Hz.

Solid thins manifest at about 10.15 Hz in 3-D. We are made of vibrating waves. Frequencies beyond 3-D vibrate much faster; eventually the frequency range of the higher dimensions becomes invisible. We vibrate with the pulse of the earth, which aligns us with all other beings, including light, in the ladder or chain of existence. This is the vertical axis of consciousness.

The cells in our bodies are also 1-D chains of manifestation.  

The density factor of 3-D keeps us in solid form. The gravitational pull of the earth slows down our vibrations to the frequencies of solid mass. We have lived within this vibration for so long as mere man that we have forgotten how to Quantum Jump, or live multi-dimensionally. The more we are entangled within fear, greed, anger, jealousy and various other emotional traps that lower our vibrations, the further we get from our spiritual connections of the higher vibrations Dimensions.

The Second Dimension regulates all our autonomic body processes, and our health is absolutely contingent upon our resonance with it. When we bring 2-D frequencies into our bodies our cells heal, DNA repairs, and blood flows like a pure crystalline stream. The higher dimensions cannot be accessed without this connection and this connection is hinges on our understanding of polarity. It is in part Polarity Duality that keeps us anchored within 3-D unable to reach the frequencies of multi-dimensional living. Our class on Chakra 11 deals directly with the concepts of “Polarity Duality”.


Many Worlds operate within 3-D; this is the zone where the physical and nonphysical dimensions intersect. This is where we do our Quantum Jumping or multi-dimensional living. For example, these nonphysical realms may be experienced by having archetypal thought patterns (4-D) or seeing geometric visions (6-D).

Being fully expanded in 3-D is difficult, since usually our bodies have gotten bent out of shape by physical, emotional, and mental stress. Imbalances and blocks can be healed by working with our feelings and minds, as well as our bodies. Here we are interested in what happens in the solid world, in 3-D. Throughout the classes containing the 3rd Dimensional Chakras you will begin ongoing homework to free yourself of the emotions that keep us from experiencing out true self. Through our true self we are able to experience multi-dimensional living.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions